Family Emergency Shelter
The Fraserside Family Emergency Shelter offers a temporary, short stay, communal living home to families with children.
Our 12 bed facility is centrally located in New Westminster. We welcome diversity and participation in maintaining a clean, safe and friendly atmosphere for all.
In addition to providing food, emergency clothing and a place to stay, the Shelter offers a supportive, home-like environment where the family can stay together during a time of crisis. All program residents are actively engaged in the process of re-integrating in the community and finding stable homes for their families.
We provide assistance with life and parenting skills as well as personal case planning and support with housing and community resources.
The Shelter provides no cost emergency housing to:
- single parents (men or women and their children)
- two-parent families
- single adult women
Please note: Because we are a family shelter the screening process may be more comprehensive than those used by other shelters. Admission is based on bed availability. This facility is not wheelchair accessible.