A/C for Mundy & Delta House

We are fundraising for home upgrades for Delta and Mundy House. These two sites are homes for people living with disabilities and  to youths living with severe mental illness. Please donate so we can fund the installation of air conditioning in time for spring!

Click Here to Make Our Homes Safe

Highest Priority Needs

Every donation makes a big difference to the people we help in our community. A donation to Fraserside’s highest priority needs provides us the flexibility to put your gift to the area of greatest need while supporting Fraserside’s mission. 

 Click Here to send your support where it is needed most  


Thank you for your support!


Donations are gratefully accepted in each of the following ways:

Your donation is tax-deductible. Our registered charity number is 107403669RR0001. 


* Please note that 15% of all designated gifts will be allocated to support essential costs to execute Fraserside's mission and serve our community.

Questions about making a donation to Fraserside? Please contact Finance Department at 604-522-3722, Ext. 140 or email [email protected].