New Leaf Clubhouse
New Leaf Clubhouse members are adults who live with a serious and persistent mental illness. New Leaf provides a member-directed, work-ordered approach to enhance work skills and work habits, foster independence and develop meaningful relationships.
We provide rehabilitation programs in four specific domains:
Members participate to achieve their goals in the domains of their choice. Check out the current calendar of programming.
Admission criteria
- Priority is given to New Westminster residents however, some members come from surrounding communities.
- You are between 19 and 65 years of age.
- You are experiencing serious and persistent mental illness and are stabilized on medication, if required.
- You are registered with the New Westminster Mental Health Centre (NWMH). If you are not registered with NWMH, you may attend upon mutual agreement between the Clubhouse and NWMH.
- You do not pose a threat to the general safety of other members.
Referral process
Additional referral information can be obtained from your New Westminster Mental Health case manager, from the New Leaf Clubhouse Supervisor or at newleafclubhouse.com. The New Leaf Clubhouse supervisor will review the completed referral and arrange for an intake interview.
Hours of Operation
Due to COVID-19 New Leaf Clubhouse regular operating hours are on hold. To reach us, please call 604-526-1007.