Fraserside’s Fraserdale program supports adults with mental health challenges through a Registered Assisted living Facility that is funded by Fraser Health.
The Fraserdale Program is a registered Assisted Living Facility for 10 adults living with mental health challenges to build skills to live with an optimal level of independence.
The program delivers two assisted living services: medication services and psychosocial supports. In addition, the program provides five hospitality services:
- Meals and snacks
- Housekeeping services
- Laundry services
- Planning and providing social opportunities
- Emergency response services
Staff support is available to residents 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Read the Fraserdale Program brochure (pdf) for more information about the program's supports, services and principles.
Admission Criteria
To be admitted, individuals must meet the following admission criteria:
- Can live in the residence safely given their needs and capabilities
- Able to make decisions on their own
- Able to take steps to protect themselves or follow directions in an emergency
- Does not have behaviors that put the health and safety of others at risk
- Does not require unscheduled professional health services on a regular basis
- Does not require 24 hours licensed services for persons living with complex care needs
In addition,
- Be willing to participate in an Individual Recovery Plan
- Be 19 years of age or older
- Be physically able to climb stairs
- Not have current drug or alcohol issues
- Not demonstrate the likelihood of violent or aggressive behavior
Referral Process
To be considered for admission, individuals must have a HART referral submitted on their behalf by their Case Manager to the Fraser Health’s bed based central service referral team.