Rotary Supports New Leaf Clubhouse
Our appreciation to the Rotary Club of New Westminster, who have generously donated toward the purchase of new equipment to Fraserside’s New Leaf Clubhouse.
Fraserside’s New Leaf Clubhouse supports 132 adults who live with a serious and persistent mental illness in the community. New Leaf provides a member-directed, approach to enhance healthy skills and habits, to foster independence and to develop meaningful relationships.
The funds donated will provide new tablets for Club members to borrow, providing the opportunity to connect virtually for programming and to connect to peers. Having the tablets will help to maintain social connections and will help to decrease feelings of isolation for members unable to venture out.
Donation funds will also support the purchase of new equipment for the Calming Room. New Leaf’s Calming Room is a dedicated area designed to be a private, low sensory space, for members who need some time to calm and decompress. Members who use this space will now benefit from the use of a weighted blanket and stress balls by helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
Fraserside feels very fortunate to have The Rotary Club of New Westminster in our community. Thank you for helping us strengthen our community and change people’s lives for the better.