Local’s donation helps 300 people in need
In March, when we received an email from Mr. Kurt Wipp, co-owner of Piva Modern Italian Restaurant, Lynda Edmonds, CEO, Fraserside Community Services Society, was truly surprised. We were just in the second week of the COVID-19 pandemic and we hadn’t even fully appreciated the full scope of what the crisis would mean for our agency. But, Mr. Wipp recognized that there was a need, and offered Fraserside a cheque for $10,000.
Realizing that many of the people who regularly participate in our programs and services would be hardest hit by this crisis, it was decided that the donation would be put towards creating care packages. Ms. Edmonds, Fraserside managers, supervisors and staff across all 19 programs created a list of items to be included in the care packages making sure to cover off essentials like hand sanitizers and food as well as items to help pass the time, such as playing cards and craft materials.
Coordinating approximately 300 care packages for persons served in very distinct programs, during a pandemic, is not an easy feat. However, with a can-do attitude, managers, and staff from the Community Living program Horizons set to work.
“A lot of heart went into putting together the care packages. The staff were really thinking about the persons served when filling the bags,” said Tami Dalpadado. “Together the staff were able to think about what each person served would like. That kind of collaboration between the staff was really interesting to watch. It was a fantastic thing to be a part of,” continued Dalpadado.
“I have never doubted the generosity and compassion in the hearts of those in our community, however it’s been truly inspiring to see it at work in this time of crisis,” said Lynda Edmonds. “At Fraserside, we strive to ensure the people served in our programs receive the greatest of care and experience, and it’s in large part thanks to people like Mr. Wipp that we’ve been able to enrich the lives of some of the most vulnerable folks in the community. When we work together we can create communities of belonging where the diversity of all people is welcome.”
It is because of this community support, Fraserside was able to hand out nearly 300 care packages to those in need. Words cannot express the gratitude we feel for the donors and funders who have stepped up to support those who are struggling during this pandemic, including Mr. Wipp and the Piva employees and those who responded to the #GivingTuesdayNow appeal.