City of New Westminster staff tour Fraserside facilities
On Wednesday, January 22nd, Fraserside Community Services Society CEO, Lynda Edmonds, took seven members of staff from the City of New Westminster on a tour of the five Fraserside facilities in the city.
The tour provided City staff with an opportunity to learn first-hand about the diverse programs the agency offers in New Westminster, meet frontline agency staff and some of the persons served at Fraserside’s local facilities.
“We really appreciated the tour of the facilities and the opportunity to learn more about the programs offered by Fraserside. As planners, we don’t often get a behind-the-scenes look at the types of social services offered by agencies in the city”, said Ms. Emilie K. Adin, City of New Westminster, Director, Development Services. “We know of the social service agencies in the community and the different types of programs they offer, but seeing them being used and meeting the staff gives us a richer understanding of how the programs and services meet the needs of the persons served in the community”.
During the tour, we visited Fraserside’s head office, Horizons program, New Leaf Clubhouse, Family Emergency Shelter, Hunter Heights, FraserWorks BC and the Perspectives Counseling service office.
“We are so thankful that the staff at the City of New Westminster were able to take the time to come out and learn about the diverse services Fraserside provides in the city. People will often pass by one of our facilities and not realize what types of programs are offered and the types of exciting activities people are engaged in our community,” said Ms. Lynda Edmonds, CEO of Fraserside. “We look forward to continue building strong ties with the City.”
To learn more about Fraserside’s facilities and program in New Westminster and neighbouring communities, please visit our website.