Fraserside celebrates Surrey council’s approval of supportive housing project

Fraserside staff stand outside the existing Peterson Place, the site where 38 new modular supportive housing units will be constructed.
July 23, 2019
The City of Surrey has approved BC Housing's rezoning application to create 38 new homes for people experiencing homelessness in the region. The new modular homes will be operated by Fraserside Community Services Society and constructed on the same site as our current Peterson Place program and facility at 13245 King George Boulevard.
"We are thrilled with the decision by Surrey City Council to approve this project," says Fraserside CEO Lynda Edmonds. "This project is an opportunity for Surrey to turn the tide on homelessness and to make a significant impact on the sense of belonging experienced by all community members. Last night's decision sends a signal of inclusion and acceptance from the community to people who are experiencing homelessness."
Edmonds spoke to council during the public hearing on Monday, July 22 alongside Donny Ludu, supervisor of Peterson Place, and many other proponents of the project. View their presentations to council here (Edmonds starts at 00:30:30 and Ludu starts at 00:35:46).
Many opponents to the project also spoke to council. Prior to the vote, Councillor Hundial responded to their concerns: "In my experience as a police officer, the issues we see around facilities such as this are not so much from the individuals actually living there trying to make the effort to get to a better place. It's usually the associated individuals around that area. We can't be blinded by that."
Council voted unanimously in favour of the project as well as in favour of another supportive housing project proposed at 14706 104th Avenue, near an existing shelter, to be operated by Lookout Society.